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Here is the second article about Photobiomodulation therapy in my daughter’s brain. The goal is to share our feedback and observations.
8 mai 2020
It’s now four months since we started the adventure and started the Photobiomodulation therapy of the brain.
Contrary to the previous month, we have abandoned the lighting of zones F3 and F4 to resume the initial protocol. That is to say, the lighting of 5 specific zones to develop her language. However, we are adding a small novelty: a sixth position to illuminate an area of the brain used for categorization. We have been working on this point for several months with her speech therapist but without any result… Concerning the lighting times, and considering the good progress of the therapy, we are increasing them a little.
Her progress
After this fourth month of brain Photobiomodulation therapy, there is a lot to say (!!!!). Actually, there have been a lot of new developments in a relatively short time, compared to her usual rate of evolution. Thus, the progress we observe at home will not be in the form of a list, but in paragraphs:
Her babbling continues. When asked, she tries to repeat herself and goes to great lengths to insist. Now the “mama”; when she talks about her mother, is said fluently, and she uses it much more often. She knows how to recognize and pronounce vowels.
First of all, I’d say she’s had better fine motor skills in the last few weeks. We see it in many situations. Like coloring, for example, during which she is more precise. But also, when she’s drawing lines on her own:

Also, when we play Memory, when she puts away the game, she takes several cards at the same time in her hands and cups them to align them well, tapping them gently on the floor.
There is also a considerable improvement in the dressing. That’s something we were working on every day in 2019. The acquisition existed but very slow. In the last few weeks, there has been a big boost; she’s starting to put her socks on (with a little help). She knows how to slip her legs into her panties by herself. If one of her heels gets stuck when she is inserting her leg into the pants, she manages to unblock it with her hands while standing. Similarly, when she puts on a T-shirt, and it gets stuck, she can pick it up with her hand behind her back and pull it down. Then, while brushing her teeth, she makes a nice brushing motion. Whereas a few weeks back she just chewed on her toothbrush.
And finally, we find that her movements are more mature. It’s a feeling, so it’s more subjective, but we notice an enrichment of her movements and a better precision (for example during jumps).
Categorization and games
She is progressing faster since we added the sixth position in the protocol. We see it and quantify it in different exercises that we do at home. Like this one, for example:

But also during games, such as Loto Montessori de Balthazar (which by the way is super cute) which we’ve been trying to play unsuccessfully since Christmas 2019:

We also see significant progress with the color lottery game. From now on we play it with three players! She distributes the color cards to each person. When a card is drawn, she instantly shows who has to take it.

We find that she grew and evolved quickly in her head. Indeed, she is more patient and more composed. She is more accepting of quiet moments.
We also notice that she takes much more initiative these last few weeks. When we talk about making coffee, she opens the fridge to start making it on her own. She puts the chairs around the table when it’s time to eat. When she wants to work at her desk, she gets a chair for the adult, sets it up, and waits for us there for several minutes. When we offer her a game, she picks up and sets up her play mat. The same thing with stories, she fetches her books, arranges them, and lines them up carefully while waiting for us. Again, all these little things are new. Until a few weeks ago, she was much more passive and asked permission for everything.
To summarize this episode 5, we can say that there has been a lot of progress in 1 month! When we started this protocol of 5 positions (+1 for categorization), we thought that it would mainly progress on the language level… But in reality, we see global progress! Can’t wait for episode 6!
To be continued…
To find out what happens next, check out the articles labeled “my daughter“.
If you want to know more about the Photobiomodulation of the brain, you can read the following article.
One reply on “My Daughter and Photobiomodulation of the Brain: Episode 5”
Vous êtes incroyable, tout d’abord bravo super papa pour tout ce que vous faîtes pour votre princesse.
Je souhaite savoir où vous en êtes au jour d’aujourd’hui, votre fille a t elle progressée? 1 an après.
Je suis intéressée par la photobiomodulation pour ma fille de 6ans et demi (retard de développement et TSA).
Je veux bien votre retour svp.
J’espère de tout coeur que votre princesse guérira, ainsi que la mienne.
Force à vous