
My Daughter and Photobiomodulation of the Brain: Episode 4

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Here is the second article about Photobiomodulation therapy in my daughter’s brain. The goal is to share our feedback and observations.

25 mars 2020

It’s been three months now since we started the adventure and started the Photobiomodulation therapy of the brain.


Previously, in the second month, we added two new positions called F3 and F4. And concerning this third month of therapy, it was decided to light only these two new zones. We stopped all the others. Why? Because these two areas gave encouraging results on three children with Down Syndrome. I’ll explain this in more detail in this article.

Her progress

Following this third month of Photobiomodulation therapy of the brain, here is what we observe at home:

  • She continues to vocalize more. Shows a desire to communicate vocally.
  • She tries to pronounce the letters she recognizes.
  • She’s more alert in fine motor skills. Now she puts her shoes on by herself.
  • Concerning the graphics, there is some progress (we test her with a specific exercise where she has to connect 2 points by a straight line).
At the end of March, she starts to draw the lines by herself.

To conclude, we find that she progresses less quickly compared to the first two months of therapy. She even stagnates a little. Despite this, she still tries to vocalize, she even challenges herself! Something unthinkable three months ago.
Concerning the drawing, there was no effect Waou!! as in the case study I was talking about at the beginning of the article. Nevertheless, she is progressing a bit because she is starting to draw lines by herself.
This month, following the confinement, we have not had any opinion from the professionals who are following her. However, when we take stock with her entourage, we all see the same thing.

À suivre…

To find out what happens next, check out the articles labeled “my daughter“.
If you want to know more about the Photobiomodulation of the brain, you can read the following article.

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